Who We Are:
Updated On: Jul 06, 2017

      Our goals are to provide Workplace Safety, Economic Security and Education for our affiliates throughout the state. We work with our lobbyists to stay current with and pass on new rules, changes and laws in the legislature that would affect our members.

      We pay all the accounts payable submitted for the University of Utah Burn Camp held every summer at Camp Tracy in Millcreek Canyon, Salt Lake County. We also coordinate the MDA Fill the Boot Drive as well as contribute to the University Burn Center River Trip for older Burn Victims.

       The Professional Fire Fighters of Utah also hosts a Combined Charities Golf Tournament. The funds raised in this event will provide additional support for The University of Utah Healthcare Burn Camp program, Operation Warm Fire Fighter Coats for Kids, Muscular Dystrophy of Utah and the Firefighter Cancer Support Network.

      We are privileged to work for our respective cities Fire Departments and welcome any questions or comments you might have.

In Solidarity,
Your PFFU Executive Board


http://pffu.org/small-strat1.jpgPURPOSE STATEMENT: The Purpose of the Professional Fire Fighters of Utah is to continually strive for an enhanced quality of life for its members and their families and the continuous safety for the citizens they serve.

MISSION STATEMENT: To effectively organize and represent the interests of the members of the Professional Fire Fighters of Utah. This is accomplished; 
Through responsive membership service.
Through organized Legislative activities.

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